Our Mission
Leslie Warren, the founder of CoSignCT, has set out to cultivate the finest core of sign language interpreting professionals in the state of Connecticut. CoSignCT’s mission is to provide interpreter services state wide through a modern, seamless and integrated platform.
- Communication. Supporting the Deaf community with high quality interpreters that successfully communicate across all types of interpreted interactions.
- Continuation. CoSignCt exists to ensure that there is a continuation of service to the Deaf community in Connecticut.
- Collaboration. CoSignCt works in collaboration with the Deaf and Interpreting communities to provide the best service possible.
- On-site interpreters for hospitals and the medical community, businesses and conferences, shows and public events
- Training and education programs
- General community needs
- Mommy and Me Signing Circle - learning American Sign Language with your little one
The CoSignCT Difference:
- WE ARE LOCAL. Our interpreters are Connecticut residents who have been working for a number of years with and for the Deaf citizens of the state.
- WE ARE PROFESSIONALS. We align ourselves closely with the Connecticut Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (CRID) and the principles outlined nationally for interpreters in the profession.
- WE ARE EXPERTS. Interpreters are credentialed